My name is Nikita. I make outdoor gear since 2010 and bikepacking bags in particular since 2018/
I have a vast experience in gear repairs and alterations and all that knowledge is put into the designs. I spend two years as an employee in a gear repair workshop and now I run my own one. Sometimes my bags are not so fancy-looking but you can be sure that they will last long.
I started making gear back in 2010. For the first ten years I mostly made custom UL hiking packs and other stuff - lycra gaiters, bivy sacks, primitive apparel. Then I switched to adventureracing and switched to trailrunning packs. Then I found out that hiking with a bike is more fun than hiking itself. Since that I make bikepacking bags.
At the moment Nerpa Gear is a small family company of two (my mom is a seamstress) based in Almaty, Kazakhstan.